Home/Laminar/SDSI Dehumidifier MODEL NO.-SDSI-040B

SDSI Dehumidifier MODEL NO.-SDSI-040B

Dissolution rate consists of water bath of 30.5 cm long 20.5cm wide and 23cm high fitted with a thermostatic control maintains the temperature of water at 47°C with± 0.5 variation convered vessal 100 ml made of coring glass variable speed motor ctlinder basket and shaft with blades of stainless steel.

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B DoubleTest
C Three Test
D Six Test
SKU: a335d4da6d83 Category:


Dehumidifiers are water-condensing type, based on “Refrigeration Cycle” for
avoiding use of expensive chemicals required for desiccant type models. The unit is
self standing and is mounted on a study angle iron frame, fitted with caster
wheels. Dehumidifier removes excess moisture from the atmosphere and is fitted
with hermetically sealed compressor. Heat exchanger and water-condensed coils
are made of copper. Water collection tank is provided below the unit to collect
condensate water. Humidity is controlled by automatic humidistat incorporated in
the unit, up to 30% + 3% RH, depending upon the ambient conditions.