The outer chamber is made up of M.S. sheet duly painted and inner chamber of thick S.S.
Sheet. The gap between two walls is filled with high grade glass wool to avoid thermal loss.
The Plexiglas window makes it possible to inspect the specimen without disturbing the inner
temperature. The lid of chest type unit is fitted with fluorescent tubes of 60 cm length, on the
inner side. The unit has a temperature range from 5
C above ambient to 60°C and is controlled
with electronic solid state digital temperature controller cum indicator, with and accuracy of
C . Air circulation fan is fitted to maintain temperature uniformly throughout the
chamber. Cyclic illumination conditions are controlled by an automatic timer (0- 24 hrs) fitted
to the unit. The system is also equipped with digital RPM indicator and controller. The shaker
has variable speed and
platform containing 16 flasks of 500 ml or 40 flasks of 100 ml or 34 flasks of 150 ml capacity is supplied